What are your hours of operation?

Monday to Friday - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

What are the ages you care for?

Our in-home daycare program is for children from 18 months to 4 years of age.

What are the rates for your program?

Please email us for this year's rates.

Do you offer part-time programs?

Unfortunately, we do not offer part-time. We only run a full-time program (Monday to Friday). Families are more than welcome to drop off and pick up anytime within the hours of operation. 

What kind meals do you provide?

We provide a morning snack, afternoon snack, filtered water and milk (organic 2%). All meals nutritious, balanced, refined sugar-free, nut-free and meet the recommendations set out in Canada's Food Guide. All food allergies and restrictions will be accommodated accordingly.

How much time do the children spend outdoors?

We will spend at least two hours daily outdoors, weather permitting. We will go on walks to the park, splash pad, or around the neighbourhood.

What about snow days or inclement weather?

We will close if the Peel District School Board closes the schools for the Mississauga region due to weather conditions. Please check https://www.peelschools.org/staff/Pages/default.aspx by 6 AM for school closure announcements. Parents will also be notified by text/email as well.

What are your COVID-19 protocols? 

Anyone who is feeling sick or has any symptoms of illness, including those not listed in this screening tool, should stay home and seek assessment from their health care provider if needed. We ask all families to use the COVID-19 school and child care screening online tool if experiencing symptoms - https://www.ontario.ca/school-screening/.

Do you have a referral program?

Yes, if you refer another family to our home daycare program who completes enrollment, a credit of $50 will be provided on your next payment.

How does the waitlist work?

Future Scholars strives to accommodate all registration requests; however, there may be times when space is unavailable. When space is unavailable, your child will then be added to our waitlist. There is no fee to add your child to the waitlist. Parents/guardians will be notified when space has been made available. Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Does my child need to be toilet trained in order to attend the program?

This is a very common question parents have and the answer is, no! As we take children as young as 18 months, we help our families by assisting in the process of toilet training.

Where is the childcare space located in the home?

The childcare program is located on the main floor with an abundance of natural lighting!

Will my child nap while in your care? And if yes, what are the sleeping conditions?

To ensure consistency between home and childcare, infants follow their own individual nap schedules provided by their parents. When ready, we will work with parents to transition the infants to one nap time per day in readiness for their move to the toddler stage.

Toddlers and Preschoolers (18 months to 4 years) are provided with an individual cot for their rest period of up to two hours. They are permitted to sleep, rest, or engage in quiet activities based on their individual needs, while ensuring that sleep patterns at home are not disrupted.

What is the ratio in your program?

A private home child care provider can care for a maximum of five children under the age of 13. All home-based child care providers must: count their own children if they are younger than four years old and care for a maximum of three children younger than two years old.

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